Most people seek acupuncture treatment for pain but Acupuncture is based on a 2000-year-old comprehensive system of medicine used for a broad scope of issues.
Patients routinely seek treatment for
- Musculo-Skeletal Pain = Low back, neck, shoulder, joints and other areas of the body. This includes pain from arthritis, chronic overuse, occupational stress, strains and sprains
- Pain from other causes = Headaches, fibromyalgia, spasms, sciatica, TMJ, neuropathy, neuralgia
- Psycho-Emotional = Depression, anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, stress, fatigue, memory loss
- Respiratory = Allergies, COPD, Asthma, allergies, common cold, shortness of breath
- Digestive = Weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, GIRD, heartburn
- Reproductive = Menstrual discomfort, infertility, complications of pregnancy, prostatitis, ED
- Circulatory = High or low blood pressure, stroke, angina, high cholesterol
- Neurological = Migraines, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, bell’s palsy